Monday, October 18, 2010

Ashley Dislocated Her Shoulder...Yet Again .

My friend Ashley dislocated her shoulder about a year ago playing softball. Then again somewhere else , then again in senior camp, and then in her sleep . She is WEIRD. So she's having surgery to get her problems straightened out, FINALLY . I do love her though (: (slightly) .
I asked her is it painful and she said , well she said "yes" in more words , of course . So when she gets if fixed , im gonna be her do boy !

Monday, October 11, 2010

Diggy Simmons 'Airborne'

The ever-so-creative Daniel "Diggy"Simmons does it again , with his new mixtape "Airborne". This talented genius , music mogul, and fashion icon released his single , Great Expetations which is now being heard all over the television on the AT&T commercials. (Click here to view the commercial.) When you have a famous father and uncle , you have HUGE shoes to fill . I think personally , he is doing a wonderful job.
Diggy Simmons , I commend you .